When Are Your Services?
(Awana – Pre-K through High School)
What can I expect?
We are a traditional church when it comes to music style and sing mostly hymns. Above all, we focus on songs with solid Biblical content.
As far as preaching, Pastor Mark is expositional in his preaching.
Where should I park and which door should I use?
PARKING: Please feel free to park anywhere.
There is handicapped parking on the North side of the building and Visitor (V) parking behind the church.
ENTRANCE: There is a large foyer which can be entered through the East or West double doors.
Is there child care?
We provide child care from infant through 4 years old at all of our services. Our workers have all undergone child protection training and screening. During our Sunday School hour we have age-appropriate classes for kindergarten through high school. Children’s worship and training K through 6th grade. All classes use Bible-based curriculum.
What should I wear?
We want you to come and be comfortable. As far as our regular attenders, it varies. We have a few men that wear suits and ties, but most do not. Some of our ladies wear dresses but many wear casual pants. You will not feel uncomfortable regardless of what you wear. Come as you are. We would love to meet you!